Friday, March 11, 2011

Long time gone

Been a long time since I wrote anything. Been going through a rough time, but tonight I am counting my blessings. I may not have the life I want, not yet, but I am alive. I am healthy. I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love and he supports me and loves me, even though I can't always see it. I have the most amazing baby girl. She is beautiful and pure love. She's my heart. I am so blessed to have her. I love her so much. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clean water to drink and clothes to wear. I have a pretty cool dog too. She reminds me what unconditional love is sometimes. And we are all safe and healthy. Things are not perfect, but I have more than I remember to say thank you for. So, thank you God for all of my wonderful blessings.
Even though, I whine and complain,
you still love me just the same.
More and more
than the day before
and so much more than I can know
Forgive me when I doubt and cry
and for all too often asking why
I know there's more than meets the eye
and so I'll smile instead of cry
(or at least I'll try)
Thank you Lord. Amen.